Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Get that body moving

It's been far too long since I did any exercise. Since coming back to Uni after easter I've been on a grand total of two runs! Yep, I'm a right little exercise bunny alright.

So now that I've done my first few exams and have 2 weeks until the next one I took the plunge and went for my first spinning class since before Christmas I think, both dreading it and feeling rather excited. For the first 30 minutes I cursed my decision to go. I was hot, sweating, my arms were painful from press ups on the bike and my legs were so tired from the resistance. But then we hit the 30 minute mark and the focus changed from endurance to speed, the music became the swedish pop that I love so I gave myself a shake and pushed on with renewed vigour. And walked out feeling great. I felt like I'd had a good work out and tomorrow I'll feel it. A quick dip in the pool to cool off completed todays gym trip and it was worth dragging my butt up there.

Tomorrow, pilates :)

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