Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Fill in the Blanks Friday

Ok Monday... well technically Tuesday but as I'm still in the computer labs revising and haven't been to bed yet I'm calling it Monday.

As ever, thanks to Lauren at the little things we do

1.  Something that is very near and dear to my heart is animal welfare. It's the reason I'm a vegetarian, I don't buy leather products, I buy make-up that hasn't been tested on animals, cruelty free make up and hair brushes and where possible, toiletries containing no aniaml derived ingredients .

2.   Every new day  is good cause to celebrate . But especially tomorrow at 4pm when I come out of my stats exam. We're going to our favourite cocktail bar for civilised, fancy drinks.

3.  The most fun I ever had was ... there are so many small moments that mean so much to me, that are essentially insignificant but have had a huge impact. One of my happiest times I can remember is holidaying in France with my besties a couple of years ago.

4.  True friends are the ones you can come back to after months or years of being away and it'll be like you never left. The first people you want to tell when something good, bad or just interesting happens in your life  .

5. Something that makes me terribly happy is having  all my friends together and just laughing .

6. A good way to spend a sunny day is  stretched out on a beach with a fresh baguette, french cheese and a cool watermelon. Failing that, on the grass with a picnic, dog optional but preferable .

7.  My favorite celebratory food is bounty's. I'm slightly addicted to them .

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