Saturday, 28 July 2012

Fishing Lures pt. 4

Another bracelet that takes me back to the summer I left school is this one.

Again it’s part of a set, albeit this time a slightly smaller set. In that summer, I went to Albufeira, Portugal, with 4 friends from school. These girls weren’t my best friends but we were certainly friends and all but 1 I had known for 7 years. As such, it was a slightly daunting holiday for me. I was flying some 1000 miles and was going to be living in very close quarters with these girls who I’d never even had a sleepover with! Sure, with my best friends that would have been fine. We all know that She snores, She can sleep till gone noon and She still sleeps with a teddy- but these girls I didn’t know those things about! Any worries were in vain. When your aim is to have a good time and you’re amongst friends, these little things don’t matter. Everyone rallies round, pitches in and gets along. That was especially true when I fell unexpected ill. I was not a pretty sight and despite my insistence that I’d be fine, I just needed to rest, they rushed me off to the local hospital. Cue innumerable problems of language barriers, out of date health cards, foreign currencies and hospital systems. I can’t really remember that night; I was half asleep and slightly delirious from dehydration but those girls were so good to me. We each had a bracelet made with our name on it, all in the same colours, the Portuguese flag. It’s a great reminder of an amazing and eventful holiday and also of friends I rarely see but still consider myself close to.

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